Sep 10Liked by Elissa Wald

I hope to be among the first to subscribe to the magazine. Your dedication and energy and belief are so fantastic… No wonder you have a daughter who literally embodies a passion for going higher and being stronger in the most strategic way possible. ❤️

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Thank you so much, Joan. ❤️

I want to feature you in my Righteous Among The Nations category!

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I totally agree, Joan. What a great way of putting it.

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Sep 9Liked by Elissa Wald

I'm so impressed with you! Exciting progress!

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Sep 10Liked by Elissa Wald

You kick ass, Elissa. I'm so proud of, and in awe of, you. I wish I was Jewish so I could help somehow.

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You don’t have to be Jewish! The participation of allies is warmly welcomed and deeply appreciated. ❤️

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Sep 9Liked by Elissa Wald

Such a great idea!!!

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Just want to say that as a person in the middle of my conversion studies, I often feel sad for not having made a formal commitment to Judaism sooner. I attended a journaling session to kick off Elul at my temple last week, and it brought me so much joy, I then wanted to kick myself for not having started sooner. I'm 50! There's so much to learn. How will I ever catch up?

I consoled myself with the following thought: "Nobody can ever KNOW everything. That's not the point. Plus, if Judaism could be fully grasped so easily, I wouldn't love it so much."

And then, I challenged myself to find all the gratitude in the NOW. Maybe I didn't get to this point sooner, but how lucky am I to be in relationship with a wider Jewish community through the writing community! Because of you and others here, I am getting the richest education I could ever imagine, one that is full of inspiration, joy, and meaning!

Thank you for everything! I love you all, and I'll be writing about the launch of Judith and sharing locally here in south Florida.

And I LOVE your idea for your personal column.

I know you're super busy right now, BUT...ever since 10/7, my husband has been facing a crisis of meaning, and we've been talking about ways in which together, we can help repair the world. Though his background is not literary, he's got an enormous skill set derived from years of running an international manufacturing company based here and in Israel. As this journey unfolds, you might discover a need for someone with experience outside of the lit world itself--who knows?--and perhaps we could fill a future need that is currently unknown. Just something to keep in mind for now!

Meanwhile, I will support and share Judith! Happy Birthday, Elissa!

xoxo Jen

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