As an Israeli, I am not surprised by anything in the Middle East. However, I wish we had an additional voice in this conversation: that of an Israeli Arab. There are two million Arab Israeli citizens. Some of them (Druze and Bedouin) serve in the IDF. There were Arabs murdered on October 7, not to mention 12 kids slaughtered by a Hezbollah rocket in Majdal Shams, a Druze village. Are they Zionists? No, and I don’t care. They are Israelis.

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Oy vey. We have a long road ahead of us. Thanks for sharing the very Israeli story. I was on pins and needles reading to see how it would end. Have a wonderful, productive and fulfilling trip to NYC! Looking forward to hearing all about it. ❤️

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deletedSep 17
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My friend lives in Vancouver, WA.

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deletedSep 17
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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Author

To me, so much of the whole I/P clusterfuck was represented in that exchange. The humanity. The grief. The flashes of mutual goodwill and the irreducible, unbridgeable abyss. The blinders. The caginess and the glimmers of innocence. The plausible deniability and the mystery of what the closing date represented. Malice? Coincidence? So many layers of the unknowable, the maddening and the tragic.

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