I have never been a Fox News fan but their Israel coverage has been excellent, especially from the Israel and Gaza. My husband is Israeli and we have been there several times since the 7th of October(my son lives there in the south). For my money, Dan Senor’s podcaste, Call Me Back has the best all around coverage of the issues. Dan has a weekly with Haviv Rettig Gur and he has featured Einat Wilif several times. He recently interviewed Cheryl Sandburg about her new documentary, Screams before Silence, available on YouTube. Apologies if you already know all this but wanted to help if you hadn’t. I also enjoy The Free Press’ coverage (thefp.com), Barry Weiss’ newish media platform. I skew a little more right than you do but I have found all of the above to be acceptable to much of the political spectrum. And of course Hillel has been the voice of reason for many years. Thank you for all you do. And for the sources i wasn’t familiar with. Be well, stay strong!
Thanks for DILLIGAF, very useful and also for the great quote from Golda, the Milwaukee school teacher who changed the world. People who claim 10/7 was faked are similar to those who claimed 9/11 was a put-up job staged by Jews. Whew. What a world.
I love reading your posts and usually find much to agree with. But today you used my least favorite -- and innacurate -- quote. It is a shame that this dehumanizing statement continues to be attributed to Golda Meir. According to research by Harvey Rachlin, there is no solid evidence that Golda Meir said this. It was published as a quote from a speech -- but it was not at an event that Golda Meir even spoke at! It is not in records of any speech she gave. She may have said something similar specifically about Gamal Abdel Nasser and his own motivations, but does not seem to have made any sweeping and cruel statements about all Arab people. I'd love to stop perpetuating the idea that Jews somehow love our children more than Arabs do, and the falsehood that the fourth prime minister of Israel thought so too. https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/front-page/the-mystery-of-goldas-golden-gems/2015/06/10/
I am aware of the controversy around the quote which is why I used the word "attributed" and the quote is meant only as a foil for the Fox News meme anyway.
But while I myself would never generalize about Arabs, I think this quote, Golda's or not, is a fair description of Hamas and jihadists.
I have an easier strategy -- I follow you.
Chazak ve'amatz!
Ha, this cracked me up in a great way. Thank you, chaver.
Hi Elissa,
I have never been a Fox News fan but their Israel coverage has been excellent, especially from the Israel and Gaza. My husband is Israeli and we have been there several times since the 7th of October(my son lives there in the south). For my money, Dan Senor’s podcaste, Call Me Back has the best all around coverage of the issues. Dan has a weekly with Haviv Rettig Gur and he has featured Einat Wilif several times. He recently interviewed Cheryl Sandburg about her new documentary, Screams before Silence, available on YouTube. Apologies if you already know all this but wanted to help if you hadn’t. I also enjoy The Free Press’ coverage (thefp.com), Barry Weiss’ newish media platform. I skew a little more right than you do but I have found all of the above to be acceptable to much of the political spectrum. And of course Hillel has been the voice of reason for many years. Thank you for all you do. And for the sources i wasn’t familiar with. Be well, stay strong!
Call Me Back is by far my favorite podcast and Free Press is on my list of news sites, along with Haaretz (for better or for worse) and TOI.
Thanks for DILLIGAF, very useful and also for the great quote from Golda, the Milwaukee school teacher who changed the world. People who claim 10/7 was faked are similar to those who claimed 9/11 was a put-up job staged by Jews. Whew. What a world.
Malcolm Nance is a treasured friend of the Jews. Love him!
Off to follow Chief Malcolm Nance immediately!
I love you. I trust you. Thank you.
Thank you, friend! ❤️
Thank you for this! I follow most, but not all of them (but now I will). And I can't believe I am watching Fox for Israel....I love the Golda meme!
I love reading your posts and usually find much to agree with. But today you used my least favorite -- and innacurate -- quote. It is a shame that this dehumanizing statement continues to be attributed to Golda Meir. According to research by Harvey Rachlin, there is no solid evidence that Golda Meir said this. It was published as a quote from a speech -- but it was not at an event that Golda Meir even spoke at! It is not in records of any speech she gave. She may have said something similar specifically about Gamal Abdel Nasser and his own motivations, but does not seem to have made any sweeping and cruel statements about all Arab people. I'd love to stop perpetuating the idea that Jews somehow love our children more than Arabs do, and the falsehood that the fourth prime minister of Israel thought so too. https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/front-page/the-mystery-of-goldas-golden-gems/2015/06/10/
I am aware of the controversy around the quote which is why I used the word "attributed" and the quote is meant only as a foil for the Fox News meme anyway.
But while I myself would never generalize about Arabs, I think this quote, Golda's or not, is a fair description of Hamas and jihadists.
Well then, I share your sense of dismay and irony about where we are getting news!