Jun 13Liked by Elissa Wald

Wonderful reading about Rudy. Also -- glad you brought up the American hostages in Gaza. I often wonder about this. There definitely was a time when this country would go berserk over an American being held hostage - remember Iran Contra? If I were held hostage I would assume that America would be working non-stop to get me out. But, crickets. The fact that no one talks about it is to me just another example of how spineless America has become. If we had to fight WW2 today, we'd lose. And . . . the fact that they are Jews may also have something to do with it.

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I disagree that America is spineless. Keep in mind the Journalist in Russia who will be tried for Espionage. There is a lot of bad in government, but we do not know exactly everything going on behind the scenes and without security clearance most do not.

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