Apr 25Liked by Elissa Wald

Oy vey iz mir! I love Judith Meller, Rikki, Dara, Stephanie, Sarah, and her kids, who I only know from Facebook. Your posts make me feel so many things. I’m sad, angry, hurt, confused, heartbroken. Then I feel a little better because I know that you are doing all you can, and I am doing my best, and together we can survive this. Am Yisrael Chai! Mir zenen do! We are here! ✡️🇮🇱❤️🎶

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I love Sarah and her kids too! And they were there. In fact I sat next to Sophia.

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Apr 25Liked by Elissa Wald

Thank you for this.

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Apr 28Liked by Elissa Wald

I have finally found a publication that stands for everything I stand for. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Will share on my social media accounts.

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I am thrilled to hear this! Welcome, and thank you for your support -- it is so deeply appreciated.

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Apr 25Liked by Elissa Wald

I'm here with you. <3

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Apr 24Liked by Elissa Wald

I feel like this is the moment to tell you that my new (used) car is named Black Betty(bam a lamp).

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Hello, Elissa.

After reading this piece I decided to subscribe because we share an interest in many of the issues that you raised. Even before October 7, 2023, I was writing on my own Substack about the disturbing spread of antisemitism on the American Left, branded as “anti-Zionism.” So I haven’t been particularly surprised by what has happened in America since that date.

Perhaps I should mention at this point that I’m not a Jew. I am, rather, an American of Irish ethnicity and an observant Catholic. I’m also a student of history, holding an MA in the field, though I ultimately decided against the pursuit of an academic career. Having been born in 1949, I’m just a few months younger than Israel. As it happens, my high-school senior prom in 1967 fell in the middle of the Six-Day War. My father and most men of his age were veterans of World War Two. One of Dad’s friends had served in the US Army’s 45th Infantry Division and participated in the liberation of Dachau.

These, I suppose, are not very logical reasons for subscribing to your Substack. Call it a gesture of solidarity if you will: There’s a guy off in the corner who’s on your side, standing up as best he can against the malign spirit of an ancient hate—maybe just because the haters piss me off. As I mentioned, I’ve written quite a lot about these matters. Here’s an example: not a polemic but a short story, originally written five or six years ago:


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