May 25Liked by Elissa Wald

You echoed my demoralized state of mind this week, but I was uplifted by your sources. I knew Haviv Rettig Gur and listen/read him often and I am certain that Debbie Lechtman and Einat Wilf words and observations, together with yours, will help to ease my heartache.

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May 24Liked by Elissa Wald

Thanks for your curation of sources. I have added Debbie Lechtman to my list.

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May 25Liked by Elissa Wald

Like you, I was/am devastated by those videos. Yes, they could be any of our daughters. Every time we speak up about the hostages, we are shouted down by the whatabouters. Thank you for reminding us we are not alone in the pain of watching this horror unfold. Though I’m Jewish only on my father’s side, my mother was an avid Zionist and named me after the Karen in Exodus. The idea that so many now believe Israel shouldn’t exist is heartbreaking. Thanks for letting me vent here. It’s insane to watch the things they warned us about actually unfolding. Never again, again. 😢

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Thanks, as always, Elissa, for being real and for pointing us to other sources of inspiration....As the lyrics to one of my new favorite Israeli songs go - שיהיה לנו שבוע טוב May we have a good week...

(The song is Shavua Tov by Avraham Tal...whom I saw in concert just before Oct 7).

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