I adore you, Elissa Wald. You do the work I am too lazy or too exhausted to do; you do work for so many of us. And you help me keep up my morale, to feel less alone. Thank you, yet again.

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Thank you so much for these words. They mean everything to me.

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Jul 2Liked by Elissa Wald

We need to channel the strength of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Let’s turn our anger and sadness into action.

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Amen, sis.

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Jul 2Liked by Elissa Wald

I’m ever-grateful for your vision and voice.

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Ms. Wald, you cannot have it both ways. I say this as a supporter of Israel at this time of crisis and, I hope, as a friend of the Jews.

The truth is—and it’s a hard truth—that in America, the Democratic Party and the wider progressive Left are not on your side. On the contrary, they’re complicit in the horrifying upsurge of antisemitism in America since October 7, 2023. Forget about reproductive rights and “our democracy.” The people who purport to champion those issues are, in many cases, the same people who tear down hostage posters and accuse Israel of committing genocide in Gaza: a postmodern variant of the blood libel. I don’t say that the issues dear to your heart as a progressive are unimportant. But just at the moment, they’re beside the point.

During World War Two, America could fairly have been described as a racist country. In the United States Army, black soldiers served in segregated “colored” units. That was unjust and deplorable—but it was beside the point. As I’m sure you would agree, all that mattered was the defeat of Nazi Germany. It was a question of priorities; American racism was the lesser of two evils.

I do understand your reluctance to sidestep to the right. But earlier today I had lunch with my next-door neighbor, who happens to be a Jew. Naturally, we discussed politics and he said to me, “I don’t understand how any Jew could vote for the Democrats.” What would you say to him?

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I would say that I don’t understand how any Jew could vote for a sociopath.

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I will add this, though--and it comes from deep respect for you and pleasure in your marvelous energy: I don't think "Arbeit Macht Frei" can POSSIBLY be rehabilitated.

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Well the American experiment was fun while it lasted

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Let's not be resigned, brother.

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Sorry, I was in a mood

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Totally agree, but don’t forget there is plenty of anti-semitism on the far right as well. And the Islamic flavor makes, in my min, three distinct types to be wary of.

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